(57 1) 4757649 / 4660357 / 4660358

Would you like to contribute to our children's childhood so that they can live in a loving and caring environment?

For 42 years we have temporarily protected our children and we are grateful for the support we have received from our donors. The sponsorship program offers the possibility to support our 62 children between the ages of 0 to 8 years, for a period of six months or one year to ensure that their needs are met.

We have different modalities where you can support monthly as a donor:

If you want to be part of the growth of our children, fill out the form below and for more information, contact us:

Camila Leyva: +57 311 293 3865

Adriana Pavia: +57 310 884 3445

Let's keep in touch

Do you have any doubt? Write to us and we'll reply as soon as possible.

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